How to Install WordPress Manually

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Here's a step-by-step guide on how to install WordPress manually, one by one. Extensive explanation of the advantages and disadvantages of manual installation, what to prepare for, and the installation process. I do.

What is Manual Install?

Manual install of WordPress means that you prepare and set up your own database.

Upload the files of the WordPress itself to the server and create a database to connect to it.

Advantages and disadvantages of manual install

Listed are the advantages and disadvantages of manual install.



The difference between quick install and manual install

The table below summarizes the differences between quick install and manual install.

Quick InstallManual Install
WordPress versionVaries by hostingCan install any version
Database Name/PasswordIt may be automaticCan be set to any content
FTP toolsUnnecessaryNecessary

For more information on quick install, please refer to the following articles.

What to prepare

In order to install manually, you will need the following Be prepared.

Hosting Server

Prepare a hosting server where you can install WordPress. The following article explains how to choose a hosting server.

Shared hosting are listed among the hosting servers. Use it to help you choose a server.


Prepare a subdomain granted by your hosting or your own domain.

In the case of your own domain, you will need to set up your name server in advance.

FTP software

To upload your WordPress files to the server, you’ll need an FTP client software.

The following free FTP client software is available.

Manual Install Procedure

To install WordPress manually, follow these 7 steps.

1. Download and Unzip WordPress

Download the complete set of WordPress files. Please refer to the following article for download instructions.

Extract the zip file you downloaded. On Windows 10, right-click on the zip file and choose Extract All.

Extract All

Click the Extract button.

Extract Compressed (Zipped ) Folders

A folder called “wordpress” will be created. Thawing is complete.

wordpress folders

2. Create Databases and Users

Create a database and users for WordPress. Different hosting allow you to create databases in different ways.

Check the hosting manual.

The database can be created from a control panel such as cPanel or from phpMyAdmin.

In the case of cPanel

Login to cPanel.


Click the MySQL Database Wizard.

MySQL Database Wizard

Create database.

  1. Enter a New Database Name
  2. Click the Next Step button
database name

Create the database user.

  1. Enter Username
  2. Enter Password
  3. Enter Password (Again)
  4. Click the Create User button
Create User

Add the user to the database.

  2. Click the Next Step button
Add the user to the database

Database creation is now complete.

Database creation is now complete

3. Uploading files to the server

Here’s how to upload files using the FTP software WinSCP.

First connect to the server by entering your FTP Host/FTP User/FTP Password.

  1. Open the directory where you want to install WordPress on the server
  2. Select all the files in your local WordPress folder
  3. Click the Upload button

A set of files has been uploaded (transferred) to the server.


4. Access the WordPress URL

Go to the URL where you uploaded the WordPress file in your browser. The URL will vary depending on where you uploaded it.

If you upload to the root directory (document root), the URL will be something like “”.

If you upload to a subdirectory, the URL will be something like “”.

Select language and Click Continue button.

Select language

Click Let’s go! button.

Database Connection Details

5. Enter Database Connection Details

Enter the information needed to connect to the database.

  1. Enter Database Name
  2. Enter Database Username
  3. Enter Database Password
  4. Enter Database Host
  5. Enter Table Prefix ( if you want to run more than one WordPress in a single database )
  6. Click Submit button
Enter database information

WordPress can now communicate with the database. Click Run the installation button.

communicate with the database

6. Enter blog information

Enter the information required to install WordPress. This process is called a five-minute WordPress installation.

  1. Enter Site Title
  2. Enter Username
  3. Enter Password
  4. Enter Your Email
  5. Check if discourage search engines from indexing this site
  6. Click Install WordPress button
Enter blog information

7. Log In to the Admin Page

WordPress installation was successful. Click Log In button.

WordPress installation was successful
  1. Enter Username
  2. Enter Password
  3. Click Log In button
Log In

Logged into the WordPress admin page.

WordPress admin page

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